FAQ – Questions & AnswersCategory: Crossbow FAQHow to measure crossbow draw weight?
Ervin Sparks asked 2 years ago
Can i measure crossbow draw weight?

6 Answers
Antony answered 2 years ago

The first way is to use a simple bathroom scale. Place the butt of the stock on the scale and support the front end of the crossbow with your hand or a bench top. Be careful not to put any strain on the bowstring or prod as you take the measurement. Draw back on the bowstring until your forefinger touches your cheek, then note down the weight readings from the scale.

How to measure crossbow draw weight?

If you don’t have access to a bathroom scale, there is another method you can use involving a rope and a weigh bag filled with sand or another material. First, tie one end of the rope around the center of mass of the crossbow (usually near the prod), and the other end to the weigh bag.Then, carefully raise the crossbow until the rope is taut and level with the ground. Again, be sure not to put any strain on the bowstring or prod while you are taking this measurement. Note down the weight of the weigh bag plus the crossbow, and then subtract the weight of the empty weight to find the draw weight of your crossbow.

Keep in mind that different Crossbows will have different measured draw weights depending on their overall design, so it is important to consult your owner’s manual or contact the crossbow manufacturer directly if you are unsure about what figure to use.

Jordan answered 2 years ago

The crossbow draw weight is the amount of force required to cock the crossbow. This is usually measured in pounds (lbs). To measure the crossbow draw weight, you will need a measuring device such as a bathroom scale or a precision digital scale.

First, make sure the bow is unloaded and at rest. Place the butt of the stock on the scale and rest the front end of the barrel on top of something firm (like a table) so that it doesn’t tip over. Pull back on the string until it locks into place, and take note of the measurement on the scale. This is your crossbow’s draw weight.

Keep in mind that some bows have adjustable draw weights, so if you’re not sure what the weight is set at, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and go with a lower number.

If you’re not sure how much draw weight you need, a good rule of thumb is to choose a bow that has a draw weight that is equal to or greater than your body weight. So, for example, if you weigh 150 lbs, you would want a crossbow with a minimum draw weight of 150 lbs.

How to measure crossbow draw weight?

Olson answered 2 years ago

There are a few ways to measure the draw weight of a crossbow.

The most common way is to use a dynamometer, which is a device that measures the force required to draw the bowstring. Other ways to measure draw weight include using a lever arm or spring scale. To get an accurate measurement, it is best to have someone else help you by holding the other end of the dynamometer or lever arm while you pull on the bowstring.

When measuring with a dynamometer, it is important to hold the device perpendicular to the ground and level with the center of the bowstring. The reading should be taken at full draw, which is when the bowstring is fully drawn back and locked into place. For safety reasons, it is best to have someone else hold the dynamometer while you draw the bowstring.

The draw weight of a crossbow is typically measured in pounds (lbs). The range of draw weights for crossbows on the market today is between 30 lbs and 175 lbs. The vast majority of crossbows have a draw weight between 50 lbs and 150 lbs.

How to measure crossbow draw weight?

Lewis answered 2 years ago

The most common way is to use a scale. You can either use a standard bathroom scale or a dedicated hunting scale.

To use a bathroom Scale, set the bow on the floor in an open area with the front of the bow facing the scale. Step on the scale and pull back slowly on the string until the bow is at full draw. Make sure not to let go of the string when taking your reading as this will give you an inaccurate measurement.

A dedicated hunting scale will have a rail or some other apparatus that allows you to bolt your crossbow down before measuring. This is done to take out any human error when measuring. Simply follow the manufacturer’s instructions to get an accurate reading.

How to measure crossbow draw weight?

Ivan answered 2 years ago

To measure the draw weight of a crossbow, you will need to find out the distance between the string and the trigger. This is called the power stroke. To do this, use a ruler or tape measure to find the distance from the front of the crossbow (where the string locks into place) to the back of the trigger.

Once you have this measurement, multiply it by 0.0035292091 to convert it to Newton meters (Nm). This will give you your crossbow’s draw weight in Newtons.

Cruz answered 2 years ago

There are a few different ways to measure the draw weight of a crossbow.

The most common way is to use events check. With this method, you will need to place the crossbow in a vise or some other type of support so that it doesn’t move. Then, you will attach the events check to the string and draw the bow back until the events check touches the riser. The weight at which the events check touches the riser is your crossbow’s draw weight.

Another way to measure draw weight is with a bathroom scale. For this method, you will again need to have your crossbow supported so that it doesn’t move. Attach one end of the scale to the string and the other end to the riser. Draw the bow back until the scale reads 0 lbs. The weight reading on the scale is your crossbow’s draw weight.

How to measure crossbow draw weight?